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Buy US Dollars in Waterloo

Buying US Dollars in Waterloo never got so easy! Buy your USD online at home on your couch

Are in search for a currency exchange in Waterloo that can provide you the best rates and best fees? At Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange (Knightsbridge FX), we believe that you should not overcharged for currency exchanges and you deserve high quality customer service.

Knightsbridge FX’s Currency Exchange Services in Waterloo

At Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange (founded in 2009), you can take advantage of best exchange rates and the lowest exchange
fees. We guarantee exchange fees up to 2% better than banks and credit unions allowing you to use your hard-earned money on
other things such as travel or special occasions.

Client Reviews

“I saved a huge amount…about $3,000 over the bank quoted for U.S. dollars…everything went as smooth as a dream”
David Newman, Florida Property Buyer interviewed by the Toronto Star

“You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars”
Terry Ritchie, Calgary-based financial planner who specializes in cross-border financial issues.

Contact Knightsbridge FX to start saving today

We’ll work with you to find the best exchange rates. Contact Knightsbridge FX to compare rates and learn more about our currency exchange services. Email us at hello@knightsbridgefx.com or fill out the form on the right-hand side. We look forward to hearing from you!

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